Thursday, August 19, 2010

On the Theology of the Body: book II: Man Reflection of God: II

In the first part we talked about the image of God which the Man: male and female; reflects in the world.Now I want to give a talk on my favorite part of the faith and what God went through; The Passion.

If we are the followers of the Crucified Christ; we know that we will end up on the cross and go through the Passion.

The Passion of Christ:In the garden Jesus took Peter, James and John with Him and told them to wait here and pray; keep watch so you won't fall into temptation.

Jesus went over to the large stone and prayed. He was overcome by grief and sorrow for all the sins in the world. From that time, to now and the future. He prayed to the Father to let this chalice pass away from him and let the Father's will be done and not his will.

The Father sent a Angel to comfort Jesus. But, when Jesus went back to the tree and saw the Apostles asleep; he called out to Peter and asked, "could you not stay awake and pray with me for one hour?"Peter, James and John saw Jesus and his face was different; filled with sorrow and fear.

Jesus went back to the large stone and began to pray for another hour and his sweat became like blood; which dripped onto the stone.Judas was at the temple and sold Jesus for thirty sliver coins and led them to the garden to arrest Jesus.

The guards asked for Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus said, "I am he." The guards nearly fell down. Again they asked for him and he said, "I am he who you seek. You come with clubs and torches as if I am a criminal but you did not arrest me when I taught in the temple." Judas came over to Jesus, kissed him and said, "hail rabbi."

Jesus said, "You disobey the Son of Man with a kiss?"The guards put their hands on Jesus; Judas ran away in sorrow for what he has done and Peter took out a sword; cut off the ear of the High Priest's servant.

Jesus healed the servant and told Peter: "Peter, put it down, those who live by the sword; die by the sword."The guards hand cuffed Jesus and the beating began. Punches, slaps, hits with the chains and clubs and they also began to spat upon him. James and John ran from the guards.

John went to Our Mother to tell her they have Jesus and will be on trial. It is a few miles from the garden to the part of the temple where the trial took place.

The Precious blood was already being poured out for us but nothing like the scourging and crucifixion. The trial was not a true trial; because not all the officials were there. Only those officials who hated Jesus were there to condemn him to death.

The few good high priests left because it was not a fair trial. The head high priest tore his garments after Jesus spoke and the high priest said Jesus spoke falsely. People said, "Crucify him!" and so the temple guards beat him more and took him to Pilate; so Jesus could be put to death.

Peter was outside the temple and denied Jesus three times; Judas went and hanged himself. When Jesus got to Pilate; he was taken in and questioned to see who Jesus is and also to see what wrong Jesus has done.

Pilate finds no fault in Jesus and the Jews do not like it and wants Jesus dead. But, since Jesus is from a different region of Judea; Pilate sends Jesus to Herod to be questioned; Herod finds no fault in Jesus and sends him back to Pilate.

Pilate tells the news from Herod and says I will have him whipped fourty times; but the devil had the men who did the whipping; whipped and cained Jesus 1200 times. Why so many times?

Because the devil didn't want Jesus to die on the cross to redeem us.After the Roman guard stopped the torture; told those who whipped him and cained him to clean him up; but they placed on his head a crown of thorns and mocked Jesus. The put a purple cloak on him and a reed in his hand.

The guards mocked him and spat wine in his face. Pilate saw what happened and showed the crowd; "Ecce Homo" "Behold the Man" The crowd said, "Kill Him!" "Release the man who killed." Pilate washed his hands; gave the order and Jesus accepted the cross. Jesus literally dragged himself along the way carrying his cross through the streets of Jerusalem.

Jesus fell three times we know of. He met his mother along the way, then finally he fell for the final time and needed help to carry the cross. The holy woman Veronica wiped the face of Jesus. He left his image on her veil.

He talked to the women of Jerusalem and told them to weep for their children; because the wombs will become barren. Finally, Jesus reaches the top of Calvary.The cross was laid in the middle and Jesus fell on to the cross and was nailed to it. He prayed to the Father, "Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing." Jesus told the good theif he will be with him in Paradise.

At the end of the three hours, Jesus gave up the Spirit and died.Now, let me talk on the Passion we will go through.The Man is to reflect God in the world; means we will go through the Passion and will be crucified. When we are hated for sticking up for marriage between man and woman; this is part of the Passion.

The part where Jesus is being judged by the high priests.This is part of our life as a Catholic; follower of the Crucified Christ. We should have a great joy and love of Christ's Passion; because it will become our own Passion.

Right now the Church as a whole is going through the Passion and it seems the Church has been getting stronger and closer to Her husband; Jesus.To reflect God in the world is to fall in love with the Passion of Christ; to become closer to the Crucified Christ and to show those in agony how to handle and live in joy in the suffering by giving the sorrows to Jesus on the cross.This is the way to reflect God in the world through the Passion of Christ. God bless.

Monday, August 16, 2010

On The Theology of the Body: Book II: Man: Reflection of God

When God made man, it was in His image and likeness. Did man truly look like the God-Man; Jesus?

Or is the image of God in our soul?

Yes and Yes. The image of God was the image of the Man and Woman before they sinned.

We, today still have the image on the outside but a small piece. But mostly we have the image of God in our soul. But when Adam and Eve fell from grace; the image on the outside changed to where we don't reveal the true image of Christ but each person has a slight image of Christ in us all.

With all the sin in the world and when we fall from grace; it is so hard to see the image of God in us.

So, let us now work on how we can show God in the world.

To be able to show God in the world; we must stay out and away from sinful people or places or items. We must go to confession and remain sin free to start having the image of God in the world.

Man is to reflect the image of God in the world and so we must be free from sin.

The image of God has been removed from many countries because of the horrible sins of abortion, assisted suicide, trying to get homo-sexual married or cheating spouses. The image of God needs to be in the world.

Chapter II: How can we bring the image of God into the world?

Let us talk about it. The man: male and female; are to become friends of Christ.

To be a friend of Christ means that we are to follow the commandments given by God to Moses. Follow Christ's examples on how He lived, prayed and everything he did and said.

So, the Man is to live the example of God; Jesus.

The Man is to die to self and let God increase in him. This way the people will see God in each person.

The Man must be ready for their passion which will lead them to their crucifixion. To reflect God into the world will lead us closer to the life, passion, death and rising of Christ and will cause us to grow closer Christ and the people we come in contact with; will see what it means to be truly human.

To be a true man and woman in the world and how we are to live in this world.

Chapter III: Why is it important to reflect God into the world?

The importance to reflect God into the world is to keep all things that God created holy or to go to those people who are living a sinful life and to teach them about God and to show them God in our life and how we are to live.

We go to those people who are ignorant of God and we go and to let God sanctify them through us. Perfect models are St. Jean Marie Vianney, St. Padre Pio and Jesus; Himself. Follow these three.

God bless

On The Theology of the Body: Book II: On The Unity of male and female: On the male body

"God made man in His likeness and image."

We have talked on the female body twice; but we need to talk on the man's body and how he unites to the female body.

When the man was made; God formed him out of dust or clay. When God gave life to the man; God breathed the Spirit into the man through the nostrils of the nose.

In the time when God created man; there was no time; because the fall didn't happen yet. The man was full grown, not a child. The man was at age to marry.

But the man isn't like the woman; who are more emotional, closer to the children and the comfort bringer. The man in his body was given more testosterone which changed their emotions; where they are able to work harder and longer.

God made man and woman different to where they can handle different jobs, emotions, the weather.

There are some men today who say they are superior over women. But that isn't so; because male and female share one being but have two bodies. In both bodies have the same thing; but it is not a thing but a person. We have God inside us.

God also had to breath to life the woman; so she could marry Adam and have children.

To be a man is not to throw away our spiritual side but to have a increase in the spiritual life. We were created by God not by another man. Yes, man and woman have a share in it; but it is God who does the rest of the work in the womb.

Man in general; which is also with the female; are to be closer to God and not closer to the world.

Man is to reflect God in his life. Which means we, the man, must be Christ in our life and to influence other men on how to live their life. Jesus gives us many examples in the Gospels.

When he was a child and after teaching in the temple and became loyal to Mary and Joseph.

So, our first way of life in childhood; we are to be loyal to mother and father; unless they want you to sin and do immoral acts.

He gave us a good or great example in remaining single and chaste.

Jesus gives us the example on how to be a priest. Then a friend, how to hope in God the Father.

Finally, Jesus gives us the perfect example of being a husband.

Man: Male and Female; are to reflect God in their life but there will be no natural end but a super natural end.

Finally, if we reflect God in our life; we will end up on the cross.

God bless

On the Theology of the Body: Volume II: Part III: The First Unity of Man and Woman

Let us do a meditation on the "sleep of Adam."

As we read in Scripture; God put Adam into a deep sleep to remove a rib and some flesh to make the woman; Eve. God closes the gap in Adam's side with Eve's flesh. Then they; Adam and Eve; awake and see each other.

Adam praises God for creating her; "flesh of my flesh." "Bone of my bone."

Also God says: "It is not good for Man to be alone."

Let us ask a question;

Why did God make woman for the man?

God saw that animals did not give the man perfect compaionship and the man could not freely love the animals; because animals can't love.

Now, God could of made another man; but the two men could only love so much.

With a woman, the man could freely give himself to her and also the woman could freely give herself to the man and both loved each other more the man with the animals or another man could.

So God gave the man a woman to be his match and also wife.

Because this way the rest of God's plan would be finished; we be made so we can share in His Divine Life.

Let us ask another question;

Why is it important for the unity of the man and woman?

To answer this, let us take a look at Adam's falling a sleep.

We could think of the sleep as in medical terms or in this other term: Adam does fall asleep but falls asleep looking for the finding a being like himself.

The importance of the unity of the man and woman; is that God didn't want the man to be alone and to finish the creation.

The man and woman were made for sex in their nature, however, that man is "body" that belongs to the foundation of this personal topic that is deeper than the fact he is also male or female.

In the solitude of the man before God made the woman.

But with the former is based on the man and woman as if two ways of being a "body" but the same human being created "In the image of God." (Gn. 1:27).

God bless

On The Theology of the Body: On The Unity of Male and Female: Part Two

"With the rib God made the woman"

Now, let us go on from this on the second body.

Why did God use the rib of Adam to create Eve?

God wanted to create a perfect person for Adam; so they both could live together, help each other, but; also create life with God.

So, God wanted to create a new body but not a new being; but have the same being as Adam, so with that rib; God created another body but the human being remained the same.

The Next Part of the Female Body:

Well, let us ask why didn't God create Eve from dust?

Then the man and woman wouldn't be united in the same being. If God decided to create woman from nothing; then we would of had two beings and two bodies; Man and Woman; instead of Male and Female with two bodies and one being.

And so God wanted male and female to be in union by having the same being and two bodies; instead of two bodies and two beings.

Now today we have a division among the radical feminists who don't want anything to do with the man and they don't need the man. But, the woman wouldn't of been made without the rib of the man.

The Woman does share the human nature but are different because of their own body.

The woman shares in the human nature; because they are human but they act and live different; because our bodies do not act the same and so the body for the female are strictly for the female person and the male body is strictly for the male.

So, these gender changes are immoral and un-natural; because we are to accept what God gave us and how He made us.

Finally on this topic:

The woman is a mystery because they have their own body but each one do not look the same. With my past writing on motherhood tells or explains how this mystery is revealed; through the vocation of motherhood.

God bless

On the Theology of the body: Part VI: The Man

I have just watched 'Fishers of Men' and I would say hold on for a ride when I write this final part.

The man who was created by God to have rule over all things created by God on earth. We will talk about the man in many different vocations.

First: Man: Man has been the provider for the family and been the protector and the Christ in the domestic church; the home. He is to teach the children; both girls and boys; but mostly the boys; the manly way; the True Man way on how to love, how to act in general, how to pray and how to be humble.

Now let us go and talk on the Priesthood:

The Priesthood is not for the weak man but the strong. The man must be ready to baptize, marry and prepare someone for death in a single day.

The man who has a call to the Priesthood better be ready to give their entire life for Jesus and be ready to give up our life for the Master.

The Priesthood is not a natural calling but a super natural calling; and the man entering better be ready to follow Jesus all the way to the tomb.

You; the man; are the alter Christus; another Christ and the people must see Christ in you. The first vocation a man must be open to is the priesthood.

Now another vocation is marriage:
Marriage is between a man and woman.

The man in marriage must be totally in love with God; if he is; you will have a little understanding what the Church goes through with Christ as Her Husband: Total Faithfulness or the motto of the Marine Corp: Always Faithful.

But if the man isn't totally in love with God; well he won't be totally faithful but he will try.

Ladies train them up in the faith and with the help of God; he will be always faithful.

The man in marriage must love God first; strong love in the Scriptures, Prayer, Mass and the Sacraments.

The second his wife and kids and third; his job or whatever else there is.

Third type of vocation: Remaining Single

Either as layity or in a religious life.

All three types must have one thing in common: A zealous love for God and His Church.

If the man is called to live this life style and vocation; they are to live the fullness of the faith and live a chaste life. They like priests; give their life to God to be a teaching example with their life for others to see and to learn what it means to be a Catholic and how to live the faith.

Finally, the man who has the call for the Priesthood must also love Mary and give your life for her; as her Son Jesus did.

God bless and Amen.

On the Theology of the Body: Part V: On the Respect of the female body

We have women today dis-respecting the female body. Those shows on TV Land for women over thirty five; just horrible what women degrade themselves to. Also the men today aren't much help either.

The woman is to be more than looks or a piece of meat. The woman is a mystery which is only revealed in motherhood.

From the start when our first parents were created and filling the earth; the woman is called to be the mother and comfort giver.

The woman by nature is to be ready at any time to be with their children when they get sick or hurt. Not run off and work; where they care about work than their children.

So these women who call themselves the professional woman; they are less of a woman for not following their vocation as wife and mother.

Now, if the woman thinks her vocation is to remain single and live the faith; she becomes a spiritual mother.

Same thing as a normal mother; she has duties as a spiritual mother and that is to take care of her spiritual children's needs in a spiritual sense about the faith.

A mother is to be with the father; incharge of the children. Both are to teach and live in discipline: "Do not distain the discipline of the LORD." Hebrews 12:5

If the mother does not live and distains the discipline of the LORD; how will the children live and learn True discipline?

The mother is a teacher and she is to teach the faith to the kids no matter how old or young they are.

But if the mother does not live discipline and spends money or does something without discipline; what example is that to the children? Not an example at all; yes I know men are just as bad.

To wrap up this chapter on Respecting the female and her body: let us talk why her body is sacred.

As in the first two chapters on the body as a gift:

The female body goes through a lot when the child is in the womb.

All the sickness, all the extending of the body when the child grows, the womb and the stomach in larges and when the child tries to get comfortable in the womb and kicks the ribs and other body parts and organs.

Then when it is time to push the child out; all the pains that God put on the woman after the fall.

The woman; just like the man are Sacred; because they are created in the image and likeness of God.

The woman; just like the man are not be used or abused as objects but in a careful way just because they are created in God's image and likeness.

God bless